Sunday, October 25, 2009

camping group

group, originally uploaded by tanalised.

taken at Camp Bentzon, Kawau Island; a school camp for senior classes of Tomarata school.
l-r (that I can identify: front Andy, Finlay,
middle William, Sam, Trent, Daniel, Paige, Kirsty
back, maybe Kristian, maybe Scott
Distortion is evident at the left hand edge of the frame. This film was so old and expired that the goopy chemical in the pack kept on blocking up the pinholaroids rollers. I lost half a pack of film.

Monday, October 19, 2009

scroungers 38

scroungers 38, originally uploaded by tanalised.

Mean as '38 Ford Coupe against a menacing sky.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

haggis pinhole

haggis pinhole, originally uploaded by tanalised.

Mr Haggis Henderson, local tutor of physics, looks concerned in front of a ten thousand volt electric fence, in case he backs into it, and involuntarily loses control of his bladder. Well, the cows had no concerns over the call of nature, frequently & noisily voiding large volumes of urine.
I was very pleased to be able to succesfully demonstrate my Pinholaroid (Pinhole + Polaroid) camera to Haggis, as it failed the first time I tried about 6 weeks ago; and after an over exposed print, I got this one through changing where I was aiming the camera, and a shorter exposure time. A lot of principles of physics are involved with a very simple camera like a pinhole.
Success at last.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

aged deuce

aged deuce, originally uploaded by tanalised.

Just posted this modified photo of a '32 Ford at the Scroungers Blowout on the 2010 HAMB calendar submission competition.
Its got a grimy, yellow, orange background pasted in behind the image, which ages it somewhat.
You either like it or you don't

Monday, October 5, 2009

pinhole sphinx

pinhole sphinx, originally uploaded by tanalised.

Photo from the Pinholaroid:
J.R the cat
(named after JR Cash)

Sunday, October 4, 2009


pinholaroid, originally uploaded by tanalised.

I made or more correctly kustomised a pinhole camera.
Its a Polaroid Colorpak 80, with the front sawn off 25mm or so and recapped with double thick matboard; with a lens created from a jim beam can; then the finest needle I could find was gently twirled into the centre of this sanded down aluminium, to create the tiny pinhole; which makes it about a focal length of 13mm and a f stop of 143. Pinholaroid it is. Hardest thing is getting hold of the pack film for it, what with Polaroid pulling up the stumps on production. Still I've managed to scrounge some of some of my pharmacy colleagues (we used to use this film a lot for instant passport photos.) Get your tutorial from the gifted Micheal C Pastur at YouTube. Check out his images at czak142p on Flickr.

You get some surprisingly good images with a camera like this. I just guess the exposure; about 1 second on a sunny day. Haven't tried many longer exposures yet. I'll post an image or two soon.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tail Dragger

Tail Dragger, originally uploaded by tanalised.

A 1940 Ford Custom Coupe owned by Peter in Auckland. A truely beautiful car with an awesome finish. Big classic V8.

I presented the larger version of this photo at the most recent monthly camera club meeting, where it did well; but a compatriate in the club reckoned it would look even better cropped in closely to accentuate the curvature in this truely beautiful custom car.

I think he was dead right.

Additionally: This image took the GOLD MEDAL in the Digital Monochrome category at the 2009 North Shore Salon of Photography. Kool !!. A first time winner.